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Website owner. The brand Camaloon and the domain name www.camaloon.com, are registered by The Stikets Company, S.L., with VAT number ESB65303349 at the address Carrer de Santa Joaquima de Vedruna, 24, planta 2, 08700 Igualada (Barcelona) Spain. The contact telephone number is +34938031458 and the e-mail address is help@camaloon.com. Commercial Registry of Barcelona, Tomo 41931, Folio 81, Hoja B396091, Inscripción 1.


Terms and conditions

1.- By means of these conditions of use, The Stikets Company, S.L., regulates access to this website, and the availability of the information found on it, by its clients and other internet users.

2.- By the simple fact of using this website, the user confirms his/her acceptance of these conditions of use.

3.- The use of this website and the information it contains is, in principle, free of charge, without prejudice to the fact that this circumstance may change. In this case, The Stikets Company, S.L., pledges to publish the new conditions of use on the website as soon as possible.

4.- The user pledges not to use the website or its information to undertake any activities which are illegal, immoral or contrary to public order, and as a general rules pledges to use the contents in accordance with these conditions of use. Both these factors - access and information - are the sole responsibility of the person involved, and The Stikets Company, S.L., cannot be held responsible for any damages which may derive from this access or use of the information which are beyond its control.

5.- The Stikets Company, S.L., cannot be held responsible for any errors in accessing the website or its content and has made every effort to ensure that these errors do not occur.

The Stikets Company, S.L., reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to its web pages without any prior notice if it needs to carry out operations to maintain, repair, update or improve the site.

6.- All the contents of the website (including, but not restricted to, databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, audio, video and software) are the property of The Stikets Company, S.L., and are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property laws.

The trademarks, emblems, distinctive signs and logos of The Stikets Company, S.L., that appear on the website are the property of The Stikets Company, S.L. The same conditions apply to the domain name www.camaloon.com

None of the texts, drawings, graphics, video or audio supports that belong to The Stikets Company, S.L., may be subsequently modified, copied, altered, reproduced, adapted or translated by the User or third parties without the express authorization of The Stikets Company, S.L., unless expressly indicated to the contrary.

The unauthorized use of the information on this website, as well as infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights, will result in the relevant legal action being taken.

7.- The establishment of any kind of hyperlink from a different website to any of the pages on the The Stikets Company, S.L., website will be subject to the following conditions:

  • The partial or total reproduction of any of the services featured on the The Stikets Company, S.L., website is prohibited.
  • No deep-links may be established with the The Stikets Company, S.L., website or its services, nor may a browser or border environment be created around the site content.
  • No false, inexact or incorrect information may be included concerning the pages on the The Stikets Company, S.L., website and its services. Most importantly, apart from the signs that form part of the hyperlink to the The Stikets Company, S.L., website, it may not contain any trademark, commercial name, establishment emblem, designation, logo, slogan or other distinctive sign that belong to The Stikets Company, S.L.
  • The Stikets Company, S.L., will not be responsible under any circumstances for the contents or services made available to the general public on the website featuring the hyperlink, nor any information or statements which appear on that website.
  • Any hyperlink to the The Stikets Company, S.L., website must appear on the site's homepage.

8.- Privacy and Data Protection Policy

The following privacy policies are intended to inform you about how we use your personal information in compliance with the provisions and requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  • A. Right to information

    This data protection policy regulates the access and use of the service of the website www.camaloon.com as well as the rest of Stikets' websites that The Stikets Company, SL, makes available to Internet users interested in their services and content in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation, The Stikets Company, SL, owner of the website, informs the user of this site of the existence of an automated file of personal data created by The Stikets Company, SL and under the user's responsibility.

  • B. Purpose

    The data of registered users through the forms enabled for this purpose on the website are collected by The Stikets Company, SL, in order to facilitate the provision of services that The Stikets Company, SL, provides through said site. Web. In the case of data obtained through co-branding promotions or sample products, the records may be shared with the collaborating company of said promotion campaign.

    The collected personal data will be processed by The Stikets Company, S.L. according to the following purposes:

    • Manage your contact requests with The Stikets Company, S.L. through the channels provided for it on the Website of The Stikets Company, S.L.
    • Manage purchases made within the framework of the Website, including the management of payment and the remission of the order.
    • Manage the subscription to the newsletter, made through the channel provided on the Website of The Stikets Company, S.L.
    • Carry out data reports on the use of the Website and check the preferences and behavior of users.
    • Manage the sending of satisfaction surveys based on the purchase of the product or service of The Stikets Company, S.L. in order to improve day by day the experience of our customers.
    • Analyze your data in order to create user profiles that allow defining in detail the products that may be of interest.

    The data will be kept for the time necessary for the realization of the purposes for which they were collected, unless the user requests his withdrawal to The Stikets Company, S.L., opposing or revoking his consent.

  • C. Mandatory or optional nature of the information provided by the user and accuracy of the data

    The obligatory fields, normally marked with an asterisk (*) in the registration form to be completed by the user, are strictly necessary to attend to your request, being voluntary the inclusion of data in the remaining fields. The user guarantees that the personal data provided to The Stikets Company, S.L. They are true and are responsible for communicating to the same any modification of them.

  • D. Consent of the user

    The sending of personal data through the use of electronic forms of The Stikets Company, S.L. or emails, implies the express consent of the sender to the automated processing of the data included in the services and products related to the purposes of the websites of The Stikets Company, SL, as well as to the sending of communications electronic way with information related to The Stikets Company, SL, and its initiatives.

  • E. What user data will The Stikets Company SL deal with?

    The Stikets Company, S.L. will deal with the following categories of data:

    • Identification data: name, surnames, national identity document or identity number of foreigner and image.
    • Contact information: address, landline, mobile phone, email address.
    • Personal characteristics data: date of birth, age, sex, nationality.
    • Bank details: account number, owner, SEPA mandate.
    • Other data: data provided by the interested parties in the open fields of the forms provided on the Website.
    • Navigation data.

    In the event that the user provides data of third parties, he / she declares to have their consent and undertakes to transfer the information contained in the Privacy Policy to the interested party, owner of said data, exempting The Stikets Company, S.L. of any responsibility in this regard. However, The Stikets Company, S.L. may carry out the necessary verifications to verify this fact, adopting the due diligence measures that correspond, in accordance with the data protection regulations. One of the purposes for which The Stikets Company, S.L. treats the personal data provided by users is to send them electronic communications with information regarding goods, services, promotions, offers, events or relevant news for users. Whenever any communication of this type is made, it will be addressed solely and exclusively to those Users who have not previously expressed their refusal to receive them. To carry out the previous work, The Stikets Company, S.L. You can analyze the data obtained by the entities and websites of the The Stikets Company, S.L. group, in order to create user profiles that allow you to define in more detail the products that may be of interest to you. In case the user wishes to stop receiving commercial or promotional communications from The Stikets Company, SL, he can request the cancellation of the service by clicking on the link enabled for such purposes in the body of such commercial communications or by sending a email to the following email address: help@camaloon.com.

  • F. What is the legitimacy of the treatment of your data?

    The processing of data for the acquisition of products through the Website will be necessary for compliance with the contractual relationship between the user and The Stikets Company, S.L. The treatment of your data for marketing purposes, relating to goods and services of The Stikets Company, S.L. and analogous services for its clients, will be based on the legitimate interest recognized by the regulations when the user has purchased goods and / or services from The Stikets Company, SL In case there is no such contractual relationship, the data processing will be based on the user consent collected in the current regulations in force. The treatment for the aforementioned purposes, will always be done with the prior consent of the user or based on the aforementioned legitimate interest, and will be necessary to attend to your request. Also, if you withdraw your consent to any of the treatments, this will not affect the lawfulness of the treatments carried out previously. To revoke such consent, the User may contact The Stikets Company, S.L. through the following channels: by letter addressed to The Stikets Company, S.L. to the address Passeig Jacint Verdaguer 132, planta 2 entrada, Carrer de Santa Joaquima de Vedruna, 24, 08700 Igualada (Barcelona) Spain or by clicking on the automatic download link available in each commercial communication sent by The Stikets Company, S.L. or by email to help@camaloon.es

  • G. With which recipients will the user's data be shared?

    The user's data may be communicated to:

    • Companies and websites of the The Stikets Company, S.L., solely for internal administrative purposes and / or for the purposes indicated above.
    • Companies and websites of The Stikets Company, S.L. for the sending of commercial communications about the products and services offered by the companies that form it, provided that the User has consented to it.
    • Public Administrations and competent national and / or European authorities, in the cases foreseen by the Law.

    Additionally, the data may be accessible by the entity The Stikets Company, S.L. and by suppliers of The Stikets Company, S.L. and collaborating companies of cobranding, said access being the necessary for the adequate fulfillment of the legal obligations and / or the purposes previously indicated. These providers will not process your data for their own purposes that have not been previously reported by The Stikets Company, S.L. The recipients indicated in this section may be located within or outside the European Economic Area, in the latter case being duly legitimated international data transfers.

  • H. User responsibility

    The user:

    • Guarantees that it is greater than eighteen (18) years and that the data provided to The Stikets Company, S.L. They are true, accurate, complete and up-to-date. For these purposes, the user is responsible for the truthfulness of all the data communicated and will keep the information provided in a timely manner, in such a way that it responds to their real situation.
    • Guarantees that you have informed third parties of those who provide your data, if any, of the aspects contained in this document. It also guarantees that you have obtained your authorization to provide your data to The Stikets Company, S.L. for the purposes indicated.
    • Will be responsible for false or inaccurate information provided through the Website and for damages, direct or indirect, that this may cause The Stikets Company, S.L. or to third parties.
    • By accepting the preview, the user certifies that he or she is authorized to reproduce the images and does so at his or her own risk. It is not allowed to reproduce images with third party copyrights. Client images are used solely and exclusively for their orders and nothing else.
  • I. Newsletter and electronic communications

    The Stikets Company, SL, may make available to users who have previously authorized it through the subscription form enabled for this purpose, the service of sending a newsletter that includes the most relevant news, news and information of the website. Also, the user can unsubscribe or modify the subscription data to the aforementioned bulletin through the interactive form included in the website. Likewise, The Stikets Company, S.L., informs that it will send commercial communications by electronic means with information about other products, services and events that may be of interest to the users of the website when they so expressly request it. Said consent may be revoked at any time by the user.

  • J. Use of the "Customer Care" chat function

    One of the possibilities that we offer you is the Customer Care chat so that our service is even more pleasant for you. Through this chat you have the opportunity to consult before buying on our website. The entire chat process is done in an entirely anonymous manner, without your name or other personal information being displayed. In order to constantly improve the quality of our customer service in the chat, we record this history for analysis and improvement purposes, in a completely anonymous manner. These records are deleted once evaluated.

  • K. Security

    The Stikets Company, SL, maintains the security levels of protection of personal data pursuant to Royal Decree 994/1999, of June 11, relating to the security measures of automated files containing personal data, and has established all the technical means at your disposal to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data provided by the user through the website, without prejudice to inform you that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable. The Stikets Company, SL, undertakes to comply with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality with respect to the personal data contained in the automated file in accordance with the applicable legislation, as well as to grant them a secure treatment in international transfers and data transfers that, where appropriate, may occur.

  • L. Cookies and IPs

    The cookies allow The Stikets Company, SL, to collect data for statistical purposes such as: date of the first visit, number of times visited, date of the last visit, URL and domain from which it comes, explorer used and resolution of the screen. For more information about cookies and how to know, block or delete cookies from your browser click here.

  • M. Spamming

    The Stikets Company, S.L., does not use "spamming" techniques and will only process the data that the user transmits through the electronic forms enabled on this website or emails. The processing of personal data, as well as the sending of commercial communications made by electronic means, are in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation.

  • N. Right to Oppose, Correct and Update Data

    The user can send a letter to The Stikets Company, SL, to the address indicated in the heading of this Policy, or by means of an email to the address help@camaloon.com, attaching a photocopy of their identity document, at any time and for free, to:

    • Revoke the consents granted.
    • Get confirmation about whether in The Stikets Company, S.L. Personal data concerning the User or not are being processed.
    • Access your personal data.
    • Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.
    • Request the deletion of your data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.
    • Obtain from The Stikets Company, S.L. the limitation of data processing when any of the conditions provided in the data protection regulations are met.
    • Obtain human intervention, to express your point of view and to challenge the automated decisions adopted by The Stikets Company, S.L.
    • Request the portability of your data.
    • Contact The Stikets Company, S.L. through the following address: help@camaloon.com
    • File a claim regarding the protection of your personal data when the interested party considers The Stikets Company, S.L. has violated the rights that are recognized by the applicable regulations on data protection.

    The user has the right to access this information, to rectify it if the information is erroneous and to unsubscribe from the services of The Stikets Company, S.L. These rights can be made effective through the configuration of the web page itself. In case of problems for the effective realization online as well as for any type of doubt or controversy regarding our data privacy policy, you can contact us via: help@camaloon.com

    Last update: May 23, 2018.

9.- Withdrawal Policy

At Camaloon, we strive to offer high-quality personalised products that meet your needs. Due to the unique customisation of each product, personalised orders cannot be returned due to the modification of the generic design.

However, in case of an issue, Camaloon will assess each situation to find a fair and satisfactory solution for our customers.

If you have any questions about your order or the personalised product you received, we recommend that you contact our customer service. Our dedicated team will be happy to assist you and find an appropriate solution to resolve any situation you may have.

  • The website has a B2B approach, but private CONSUMERS are informed that THERE IS NO RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL FOR THE PURCHASE OF CUSTOMISED PRODUCTS. In the case of the purchase of NON-CUSTOMISED products, the consumer is informed that he/she has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the day he/she acquires physical possession of the last good. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Camaloon, Carrer de Santa Joaquima de Vedruna, 24, 08700 Igualada, Barcelona help@camaloon.com) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by means of an explicit statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or email). In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient for you to send the notice of withdrawal before the withdrawal period expires. If you withdraw from this contract, we will reimburse to you all payments you have made on our behalf, including the costs of delivery (except for the additional costs arising from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days after the day on which we are informed of your decision to withdraw from this contract. The refund may be withheld until receipt of the goods or until the consumer has proven to have returned the goods, whichever is the earlier. Please return the goods to Camaloon, Carrer de Santa Joaquima de Vedruna, 24, 08700 Igualada, Barcelona help@camaloon.com, without undue delay and in any case within 14 days after the day on which you informed us of your withdrawal. You shall only be liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from any handling of the goods other than what is necessary to establish their characteristics and functioning.

10.- The terms of use of this website are indefinite. The Stikets Company, S.L. reserves the unilateral right to modify the conditions of access to it, as well as the content included therein or the conditions of use of its free article hosting service, as stated in this document.

11.- The Stikets Company reserves the right to reject any order, cancel it, or not accept a confirmed order by notifying you in writing or by phone in the following situations, without being liable for any damages or costs other than the refund of the amount received from you in relation to the canceled contract.

12.- At Camaloon, we work to ensure that your products are exactly as you desire. To achieve this, we provide a preview when customising your product. By accepting it and processing your order, you confirm your design for production. Occasionally, the final product may have slight variations in color compared to the validated color on the screen. Camaloon cannot be held responsible for this situation due to the different calibration of each monitor, which makes it impossible to control the exact tone the user sees on their own screen. If an error or defect is detected in the production or shipping process, you can contact help@camaloon.com and provide the following information:

  • Name under which the order was placed
  • Order number
  • Detailed description
  • Photos showing the defect on each affected product

13.- Stikets provides a two-year warranty for labels from the date of purchase. The shelf life of the labels can be affected by heat, humidity, and the passage of time. Claims beyond the two-year warranty period will not be accepted. We recommend to keep the labels in a dry storage area at room temperature for proper conservation. All the materials used to manufacture the labels are of the highest quality.

You may initiate a warranty claim, provided that the defect is NOT a result of the following situations:

  • Accident or negligence
  • Improper use or incorrect storage
  • Changes or alterations to the labels not recommended or promoted by Stikets
  • Normal wear and tear

If, on the other hand, an error or defect is identified in the manufacturing or delivery process, the product may be replaced or refunded within the warranty period. In such cases, please contact help@camaloon.com with the following information:

  • Name under which the order was processed
  • Order number
  • Detailed description
  • Photos that demonstrate the defect in the product

14.- The products offered in our online store are intended for business customers (B2B).



The Stikets Company, S.L., is the owner of all intellectual property rights over the design, source code and content of the website www.camaloon.es

The company The Stikets Company, S.L., is the owner of the Industrial Property rights relating to its products and services, specifically with regard to registered trademarks.

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